Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Heading to Vegas!

The plane tickets are booked, the hotel reservations are made, and the bike and gear are locked and loaded!  We are heading to Vegas, baby!

Cael practicing turns at Grandpa's.

Our family has been busy getting ready for yet another racing season.  We did not do much racing this winter, at least not motorcycle racing.  Our new family hobby is RC car racing, but that is a story for another time.  We only went to a few arenacross races, but it was enough for Cael to qualify for the National Amateur Arenacross Championships in Las Vegas. 
Kallie jumping a double at Grandpa's.

Katie jumping a little double at Grandpa's.
 So far, we have had some great spring weather that has allowed us to get out and ride as much as possible in preparation for the arenacross championships.  The girls even practiced on their first real track this past weekend!  Thanks to Billy and Kelly Morehead at Mountaineer MX Park for the opportunity to get in some great practice!  The girls did a great job riding and they had a fantastic time doing it.  Kallie was a little scared when she heard she would be riding on a real track, but she quickly got over her fears and did not want practice to end!  Cael spent most of the weekend riding and probably would have kept riding right into the school week if he could.  He has been doing his part to prepare for Vegas!  

Cael getting some air at Mountaineer MX Park.

While we are in Las Vegas, we are going to take the kids to see some of the wonderful sights of our great country.  We will be going to see the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, which I have not seen yet.  We will also be making the trip down to the Grand Canyon.  It is a four hour drive from Las Vegas but it will definitely be worth it for the kids to see such an awe-inspiring sight.  Our country has many beautiful sights that we feel the kids must see so we will be checking several off our list with one trip.
Kallie at Mountaineer MX Park.
Katie at Mountaineer MX Park.


Time to get back to work.  As all you Moto Moms and Dads know, our job is never finished!  Stay safe, be well, and hug your kids because they grow up way too fast!

Katie and Kallie after practicing at Mountaineer MX Park.
                    Thank you Billy and Kelly at Mountaineer MX Park!